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What exactly is (body-oriented) coaching?

You probably know it : you want to change something, but you don't yet know how. Or there is too much going on and priorities become blurred. Sometimes you just instinctively know that something needs to change without knowing exactly what.

Coaching enables a neutral and clear view of your concerns. It's less about investigating the causes and more about strengthening your skills and resources . As well as setting new impulses and working out new solutions .

Coachings are always, in every session, goal-oriented and whole  individually adapted to your needs . Therefore, the need for required coaching hours fluctuates. As a rule, coaching sessions are successfully completed after a short time. Why is that?

​ As cheesy as it sounds, you usually already have the answers within you. With successfully applied questioning techniques and methods , as well as tools , coaching enables new perspectives from which solutions sometimes emerge almost by themselves.

Only you define your goals  - of course gladly in cooperation with me, if that helps. How big or small your goals are, however, is your free choice. Everything is possible, nothing is neccesary. If you are unsure about something, please call me and we will clarify your questions together.

Body-oriented coaching 


In body-oriented (somatic) coaching, we primarily use the body alongside the conversation. Breathing exercises, body awareness and targeted movements support access to existing knowledge (in the body) and thus to the subconscious. This promotes personal development and self-confidence in the long term.



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This is what awaits you in the session

1:1 conversation

in a trusting atmosphere, which takes between 60-90 minutes


tailored to your topics and wishes. With the flexibility to redefine goals at any time and to reflect on tasks in a playful way - even between lessons



such as constellations or working in pictures. The visualization often gives you clarity without having to change anything

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In addition to the theory, the deep, social perception developed over the years is used


Your needs are consciously integrated in order to come up with the solution approach that is best tailored to you


Not only in theory, but also practically. Through direct  conversions  in everyday life. Regardless of whether it's professional  or private

my approach

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Coaching is as individual as people and their concerns. Which requires a degree of flexibility.

I therefore like to work:


  • personally  tailored to people & topic

  • lively & focused to motivate and develop

  • in  more open & honest  Atmosphere for personal freedom

  • creative to express the ideas and thoughts visually and with different methods

I want to give you the opportunity to let your ideas run free and to find a balance to integrate your projects realistically into everyday life. At the same time, I want to help you move forward. Facing new challenges and leaving the comfort zone can be part of our work together. If you have concrete goals, I want to give you the opportunity to leave the conversation with a plan instead of just a good feeling. 

Who is coaching suitable for?

For everyone who wants to change something themselves. Whether private or professional.

Coaching is not psychotherapy, but serves the targeted promotion of potential and the development of new solutions.  

If you have any questions, these can best be clarified in a joint, free preliminary telephone call.

Image by Priscilla Du Preez


Sometimes a one-off consultation can provide sufficient impetus for the desired satisfaction/change. We are happy to arrange further appointments as required, whereby the number varies individually depending on your concerns, goals and starting point.


If you have any further questions, please use the free preliminary telephone consultation.


Private individuals (individual consultation)

80 EUR // 60 minutes


Companies (individual consultation)

120 EUR // 60 minutes

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